Natural Deodorants Review (Including one for Lume)
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Natural Deodorants Review (Including one for Lume)

This post was originally published in January 2019 and updated many times since.  I have tried more natural deodorants and wanted to add my honest, unbiased reviews to this list.  I have previously reviewed natural deodorants; this is an update on my experience transitioning to natural deodorant, what worked and what didn’t.  I am not… Continue Reading Natural Deodorants Review (Including one for Lume)

I Said I’d Never Take HRT for Perimenopause…

I Said I’d Never Take HRT for Perimenopause…

I have never been one to be uncomfortable at the gynecologist. Maybe it was upbringing with the latest version of Our Bodies, Ourselves in the living room and parents who were very open with us kids about how bodies work and how to take care of them, maybe it’s just my nature. Whatever it is,… Continue Reading I Said I’d Never Take HRT for Perimenopause…

4 Benefits of Mouth Taping For Sleep

4 Benefits of Mouth Taping For Sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for so many reasons. Believe me on this one, my fellow insomniacs. Lack of sleep has the potential to negatively impact your productivity and mood, and can even contribute to many health issues. Over the years, I have personally expereienced several side-effects of sleep deprivation, especially since I reached my… Continue Reading 4 Benefits of Mouth Taping For Sleep